Sacramental Preparation
Preparing For the sacraments
We offer a number of catechetical programmes for children and adults at various stages in their Christian journey. Details of some of the courses are listed below. Please contact the Parish Office for more details and registration forms.
The Christian journey begins!
Baptism is the beginning of the Christian journey. Provision is made for first time parents and godparents to have some preparation before the celebration of the Sacrament. Initial enquiries about Baptism can be made to the Clergy after Mass or to the Parish Office. Baptisms are not booked until the necessary paperwork has been returned to the Parish Office, and the course, if required, has been completed. This process applies in all situations in order to facilitate administration and avoid disappointment concerning the availability of the Clergy for the Celebration of Baptism.
Holy Communion
This is my body
The programme for First Holy Communion starts in the autumn of each year. Children should be in School Year 3 (i.e. 7 years old at the time of receiving First Holy Communion) to join. At St Mary’s we work with parents who in turn work with their children in order to prepare them for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. For more information follow this link. FHC at St Mary’s
Life in the Spirit
This programme is for teenagers who should be in Year 9 of the school national curriculum. The confirmation course usually runs from November to May and we follow the TRUTH programme. Older Catholics who are not confirmed should make individual enquiry via the Parish Office. For more information about our Confirmation programme follow the link. Confirmation at St Mary’s
Journey in Faith
Becoming a Catholic
This is a course for adults who are considering becoming members of the Roman Catholic Church. Please have a word with the Parish Priest if you would like further information. This programme usually runs between October and Easter.
Living life together
If you wish to get married at St Mary’s, please contact the Parish Priest
We do not offer a Marriage Preparation course at St Mary’s, however details about courses and more can be found below. Please note that the Bishop’s Conference requires at least six months’ notice to complete all paperwork and that it is usual for the wedding ceremony to take place in the parish in which the bride resides.
On Line Marriage Preparation
Please see the links below for online preparation courses. As part of their preparation couples should chose one course, complete the modules and obtain a certificate.