Supporting St Mary’s
God loves a cheerful giver!
“St Mary’s is a spiritual oasis in a very busy world”
How Can I help…..
One of the most arresting phrases that we hear in Matthew’s gospel is “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Mat. 6:21
We all know what is important to us in life, what our treasure is. When I share what is important to me I suddenly feel more alive. Generosity is in our spiritual DNA. Jesus tells us that it’s better to give than to receive, because in giving we share something of ourselves. Yet we are also beneficiaries of God’s goodness.
Ultimately we believe that everything comes from God. He is the owner, we are the Stewards. Our time, talents and treasure have been entrusted to us to use in a unique way to serve and grow closer to God. Good stewardship means receiving God’s gifts gratefully, tending to them in a responsible and accountable manner, sharing them in love for others, and returning a meaningful portion to the Lord.
The great news is that as a parish we are already well on our way to a culture of joyful giving. The work and ministry of this parish is thriving thanks to the generosity of heart and dedication of our parishioners and those who support our work from afar.
We do not receive funding from the State, the Vatican or the Diocese, we are reliant on our offertory collections to cover the running costs of the parish, and to plan confidently for the future. Perhaps you would consider supporting us by joining our planned giving scheme or by making a one off donation.
If you would like to join our Planned Giving Scheme please follow the link below, download and complete the attached form and return it to the parish office
St Mary’s Planned Giving Scheme
You might think of remembering St Mary’s in your will and leaving us a legacy. Only with your support can we sustain and develop our Parish. Though St Mary’s forms part of the Diocese of Westminster, it is essential to name St Mary’s rather than the Diocese as a beneficiary in your will.
Remembering St Mary’s in your will
If you would like to look at our plans for the future then please follow this link.
What we have achieved so Far
The restoration of the Rectory
A new heating system
New stone flooring
Refurbishment of the Almshouses
New lighting in the church
Funding the work of a parish Catechetical Co-ordinator
Plans for the Future
Restoration of the High Altar
Cleaning the church stonework
Re-decorating the Church
Your donation helps us to maintain a Catholic presence in the heart of London, where we educate people in faith, feed the hungry and accompany the vulnerable. Thank you for your support.