Our Lady of Chelsea
Welcome to St Mary’s
St Mary’s Sunday Mass
St Mary’s Cadogan Street is one of the oldest Roman Catholic parishes in Central London. Priests and people have met and offered Mass in various buildings around the parish since 1798.
The church, rectory, almshouses and schools are only 4 minutes from Sloane Square and the underground station. Our area is filled with people both local and international. Many people have lived here all their lives but they are joined by a large number of people from other parts of Europe, the USA, the Philippines and people from South America and Africa. In fact the parish has a truly international feel about it.
Worship at St Mary’s is never dull. The Sunday Masses are always offered with reverence but the style does vary. A simple Vigil Mass is celebrated at 6.30pm on Saturday. On Sunday at 10.30am there is a relaxed Mass where families squeeze in together with their buggies and children’s scooters. On the first Sunday of the month at this time, we have a Solemn Mass with Latin chants and polyphonic settings, sung by our Choir. A more reflective Sung Mass, filled primarily with young adults, takes place at 6.30pm on Sunday evenings. St Mary’s is a church for anyone and everyone.
Over the last number of years, the parish community has been working hard to renew itself and its buildings. The downstairs of the renovated Rectory is now used for parish activities. It is bustling with life most days. The Almshouses have been renovated to a very high standard and now offer beautiful accommodation to ten residents. In the church, the installation of a new underfloor heating system has been completed making the church warm and welcoming. The 1960s wooden block floor has been replaced with Purbeck stone, which is more in keeping with the original Bentley design. A newly installed lighting system dispels the gloom that once enveloped the church and we have also installed CCTV cameras to enhance security.
The church is open each day and it is an oasis of prayer and quiet for everyone –not just catholic people. If you have found us because you are thinking of coming to London then please visit us.
St Mary’s welcomes you whether you come to us via the website, or the church door. To see links to other Catholic Websites please press the button below.
Life at St Mary’s
Postal Address
St Mary’s Rectory
Draycott Terrace
London SW3 2BG
To participate in our live streamed Mass go to the bottom of this page or follow the link below
020 7589 5487
Cadogan Street
London SW3 2QR
Our Community
Helping St Mary’s to Recover
Please have a look at the video which outlines how you can support St Mary’s through the pandemic and beyond.
Mass and Service Times
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9.30 am - 3.30 pm
Mass and Service Times
Saturday: 6.30pm, Sunday:10.30am and 6.30pm
Monday, Tuesday & Friday 12 Noon. Thursday 6.00pm
Holy Days of Obligation 12 Noon & 7pm
Saturday 5.45pm - 6.15pm
St Joseph’s Primary School
We are blessed to have a primary school in our parish. St Joseph’s is a one form entry school which offers an outstanding education to our children. For details of admission please contact the school. For more information follow the link below.
The Certificate of Catholic Practice
Ministry at St Mary’s
The Second Vatican Council called for, ‘full, active and conscious’ participation by God’s People in the liturgy. Please follow the link below for this month’s Rotas for ministry at our liturgy.
This Month’s Rota for Ministry at Mass
Over the Summer months ministers should volunteer for via the sign-up sheets at the back of the church.
"It was at St Mary’s that we found Christ."
- Parishioners returning to their home country-
Please Contact Us